
Withholding sex in marriage can have devastating consequences. Sexual intimacy is a vital aspect of any healthy and fulfilling marriage. It is a way for couples to connect on a physical and emotional level, strengthening the bond they share. However, there are times when one partner may choose to withhold sex in a marriage. This decision can have significant consequences and deserves careful consideration. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind withholding sex in marriage, the potential effects it can have on a relationship, and offer suggestions for addressing and resolving the issue.

The Complex Reasons for Withholding Sex

When a partner chooses to withhold sex in a marriage, it is crucial to understand that the reasons behind this decision can be multifaceted and deeply personal. Here are some common factors that may contribute to this choice:

Emotional Disconnect: Emotional intimacy is closely linked to sexual intimacy. If one partner feels emotionally disconnected or neglected, they may choose to withhold sex as a way to express their discontent or protect themselves from further emotional pain.

Unresolved Conflict: Lingering conflicts or unresolved issues within the relationship can create a significant barrier to sexual intimacy. When communication breaks down, and conflicts are left unresolved, it can lead to a decrease in desire and an unwillingness to engage in sexual activity.

Physical or Mental Health Issues: Physical or mental health problems can have a profound impact on an individual’s libido and ability to engage in sexual activity. Conditions such as chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety, or trauma can affect a person’s desire and willingness to have sex.

Relationship Dissatisfaction: A partner may withhold sex as a result of feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled in the relationship. This can be due to a lack of emotional connection, incompatible sexual desires, or unmet expectations. In such cases, withholding sex may be a way to communicate their discontent and provoke change.

Power Struggles: In some instances, withholding sex can be used as a means of exerting control or power within the relationship. This can create a toxic dynamic where one partner manipulates the other through the denial of sexual intimacy.

The Potential Consequences of Withholding Sex

While the decision to withhold sex in a marriage may be a response to underlying issues, it can have significant consequences for both partners and the relationship as a whole. Here are some potential effects:

Resentment and Frustration: The partner who desires sexual intimacy may feel frustrated and resentful due to the lack of physical connection. This can lead to increased tension, arguments, and feelings of rejection.

Emotional Distance: Withholding sex can contribute to emotional distance and a sense of detachment between partners. The lack of physical intimacy may create a barrier to emotional vulnerability, hindering the overall closeness in the relationship.

Decreased Relationship Satisfaction: A lack of sexual intimacy can impact overall relationship satisfaction. Intimacy is an essential aspect of a healthy marriage, and its absence may lead to a diminished sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Infidelity: Withholding sex can potentially increase the likelihood of infidelity. If one partner consistently denies the other’s sexual needs, they may seek fulfillment outside the marriage, putting the relationship at risk.

Communication Breakdown: Withholding sex often indicates a breakdown in communication within the relationship. It is essential to address and resolve the underlying issues causing this decision to restore healthy communication channels.

Addressing and Resolving Every Issue

If one partner is withholding sex in a marriage, it is crucial to approach the issue with empathy, open-mindedness, and a willingness to understand and address the underlying problems. Here are some suggestions for resolving the issue:

Honest Communication: Initiate an open and honest conversation about the lack of sexual intimacy in the relationship. Both partners should express their feelings, concerns, and needs, while actively listening to each other without judgment.

Seek Professional Help: Consider seeking the guidance of a marriage counselor or sex therapist. These professionals can provide a safe space for both partners to explore their feelings, identify underlying issues, and work towards finding solutions.

Enhance Emotional Connection: Focus on rebuilding emotional intimacy in the relationship. Engage in activities that foster emotional connection, such as regular date nights, meaningful conversations, and expressing appreciation and affection for each other.

Prioritize Physical and Mental Health: If physical or mental health issues are contributing to the lack of sexual intimacy, it is essential to prioritize seeking appropriate treatment and support. This may involve medical intervention, therapy, or lifestyle changes to improve overall well-being.

Negotiate and Compromise: If the issue stems from incompatible sexual desires or unmet expectations, both partners should be willing to negotiate and find a middle ground. Compromise and experimentation can help rekindle the sexual spark in the relationship.


Withholding sex in a marriage is a complex issue that can stem from various underlying factors. It is crucial for couples to address the issue head-on, engaging in open and honest communication while seeking professional help if needed. By understanding and addressing the root causes of withholding sex, couples can work towards rebuilding trust, emotional intimacy, and a fulfilling sexual relationship. Remember, a healthy and satisfying marriage requires ongoing effort, empathy, and a commitment to resolving challenges together.


Check out this video for help in dealing with this issue:

How to Save Your Marriage Video