Introduction: What is a Marriage?

Before getting into the things that destroy a marriage, we must first understand what is a marriage. Marriage is an institution that has been around for centuries. It has gone through changes, but it is still a cornerstone of society and culture.

It’s not just about the wedding day; it’s about the long-term commitment that two people make to each other.

Marriage is a way to create a family unit that includes both parents and children. Marriage can also be seen as an economic partnership or social status symbol.

How to Take Care of Yourself as a Husband or Wife in a Relationship

It is important for the spouses to take care of themselves. It is not only good for their own mental health, but also helps their partner feel loved and supported.

Self-care includes things like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising, and taking time to relax. One of the most important parts of self-care is making sure that you are taking care of your own needs as well as your spouse’s.

One of the things that destroy a marriage is putting everyone else’s needs above your own.  When you are constantly trying to make your spouse and children happy, it is important not to neglect yourself.  You must take time to pursue your own hobbies and interests so that you don’t resent having a family.

Sometimes your spouse may limit your alone time or your time spent with friends, but this is detrimental to the relationship. You have to support each other and give each other space to fully realize your own potential. Remember the person you were before you got married and take care not to lose sight of that person. Otherwise, you will be miserable and that will contribute to the breakdown of the relationship.

What are the 4 Most Common Things that Destroy a Marriage?

Divorce is a very common occurrence in the United States. In fact, it is estimated that around 40% of marriages end in divorce. And while there are many reasons why this may be, the four most common things that destroy a marriage are infidelity, alcohol abuse, drug abuse and mental illness.

Infidelity, or cheating on your spouse, destroys the bond of trust between you. There are many forms of infidelity, including emotional cheating. When your spouse is seeking emotional or physical gratification outside of the marriage, it can be a sign of other problems in the marriage.

Alcohol and drug abuse is a growing problem in America as well as other countries. If your spouse is dealing with an addiction, it destroys not only their own life, but also the lives of their closest family and friends. It is impossible to take care of the needs of a spouse or children when you can’t even take care of your own life.

Mental illness is an unfortunate problem that is also on the rise. When someone is having psychological issues, they are consumed by those unhealthy thoughts that can wreak havoc on not only their personal life, but the lives of everyone around them.

How do you Deal with Arguments in Your Relationship?

Take a moment to think about how your partner communicates with you. How do they demonstrate their thoughts and feelings? Do they use a lot of nonverbal cues, like an expression or tone of voice? Or do they speak more succinctly, using words? These communication styles can be difficult to interpret if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

Here are 5 ways you might be communicating differently than you intended.

  1. You’re asking people to interpret your tone of voice or facial expressions. The typical response is, “I don’t know what you mean.” What the person may not realize is that they could have responded in a way that would help you better understand what they meant by their body language or tone of voice.
  2. You’re trying to get people to understand something by using vague terms or metaphors.
  3. You’re not asking for help in a direct way, and they feel frustrated because they don’t know what you want them to do or think it would have helped if you had explained your message more fully. If this sounds familiar, try to be more specific: “I’m not sure what you can do to help me” or “I need your help sorting things out.”
  4. You’re being passive-aggressive when you’re asking someone for help and making them feel bad about themselves. If this sounds familiar, ask for help directly: “I need your assistance in playing a game on the computer” or “I was wondering if you could explain something to me.”
  5. You’re being condescending when you tell someone what they should do or how to behave. You don’t have all the answers, so back off and let them choose their own way of doing things.

Remember that communication is one of the most important keys to a successful marriage. If you’re not communicating effectively with your spouse, this is one of the major things that destroy a marriage.

How strong is your relationship?