
When you spot the stages of a dying marriage, you know your marriage is headed for divorce. Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals who vow to love, support and care for each other for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, not all marriages are meant to last forever, and sometimes, a marriage may start to deteriorate and head towards its end. A dying marriage can be a painful and emotional experience for both partners, and it can also impact their children, families and friends. In this article, we will explore the different stages of a dying marriage and what to expect in each stage.

The Stages of a Dying Marriage

The Drift Stage

The drift stage is the initial stage of a dying marriage, and it often begins with small, seemingly insignificant problems that start to drive a wedge between partners. This may include growing apart due to busy schedules, losing interest in shared activities, or having different opinions and values. During this stage, communication may start to deteriorate, and partners may begin to feel lonely and disconnected from each other.

The Crisis Stage

The crisis stage is marked by a major event or turning point in the marriage that forces partners to confront their problems and take action. This may include infidelity, financial stress, or a serious health issue. At this stage, partners may feel intense emotions such as anger, sadness, and frustration, and they may begin to consider ending the marriage.

The Decision Stage

The decision stage is the stage where partners must make a decision about the future of their marriage. This may involve seeking professional counseling, negotiating a separation agreement, or filing for divorce. During this stage, partners may experience a range of emotions, including relief, guilt, and sadness. They may also feel overwhelmed by the practical and legal implications of ending a marriage.

The Separation Stage

The separation stage involves the physical and emotional separation of partners. This may involve moving out of the marital home, dividing assets, and establishing separate lives. During this stage, partners may feel a sense of loss and grief, as well as relief and liberation. They may also need to work through the emotional and practical challenges of adjusting to a new reality.


A dying marriage can be a difficult and emotional experience for both partners. It is important for partners to understand that a dying marriage does not happen overnight, but is often the result of a gradual deterioration of the relationship over time. By recognizing the different stages of a dying marriage, partners can be better prepared to navigate the challenges they may face, and make informed decisions about their future. Whether partners choose to work through their problems and save their marriage, or to separate and start a new chapter in their lives, it is important that they approach the situation with compassion, understanding, and respect for each other.


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