How do I know if my marriage is headed for divorce? If it is, your relationship shows signals of multiple issues and many challenges. If you are not able to resolve difficult problems, then your relationship may be headed for divorce.

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Signs that my marriage is headed for divorce:

  1. Your relationship is loveless. One of the biggest complaints is that you feel that the love is gone in your relationship.
  • It’s okay to experience changes in your relationship. Love also changes. It may evolve over time and get stronger and weaker. At first, your romance becomes a deeper kind of love and then it fades over time. However it should never disappear. If you relationship loses its love, this is a dangerous sign of impending separation and divorce.
  1. Resentment is Mutual. If anger and resentment reach high levels, it can do a lot of damage to a relationship. When both spouses resent each other, this is a strong sign that the marriage is in doubt.

Feelings of resentment:

  • If you feel like your spouse is criticizing you all the time, this can lead to anger and you may find unhealthy ways of coping with it.
  • It is normal to occasionally criticize each other and argue in a healthy relationship. However, if it feels overwhelming and there is constant criticism and belittling, then there is certainly a bigger issue.
  • An unhealthy relationship ensues when one spouse constantly belittles the other and makes them feel worthless.
  1. You no longer share feelings. When you regret opening up to your spouse, this is a sign that the relationship is in trouble.
  1. There is a lack of trust. When trust is missing from the relationship, it is a bad sign. If you feel you no longer trust your spouse, you may be heading for divorce.

Elements of a lack of trust:

  • Trust is a key element for a strong foundation in marriage. When trust disappears, the foundation can crack and fall apart.
  • Do you find yourself questioning your spouse and their motives? Are you worried that they may be cheating on you? Do you feel like your spouse does not want you to succeed? These are signs that trust is whittling away.
  • When trust is gone, you may be uncomfortable sharing your thoughts and you may feel vulnerable around your spouse. When this happens, you no longer want to share your deepest feelings.
  1. There is an ex-spouse present. When there is an ex in the picture, it hurts your current marriage. This can be a strain on the marriage and lead to stress and divorce.
  • When your current partner observes your interactions with someone you were once married to, they may feel insecure themselves. Regardless of no longer having feelings for your ex, your current spouse feels worried and uncomfortable. They question if the marriage is strong enough to survive.
  1. You are unable to resolve differences. Do you feel that you are struggling to solve issues? You may feel like you are having the same argument over and over again and nothing gets resolved.

Areas of being unable to resolve differences:

  • It is normal to bring up the same issues over and over, but there should be some positive movement toward a resolution. If not, you will notice the toll it takes on your marriage. When you can’t resolve issues, there is a strain on your marriage.
  • When you come to a compromise during arguments and say you’re sorry and move on, this is a key element in effective communication.
  • When you have the same arguments over and over with no resolution, you are in danger of resenting each other and growing further apart. At this point, you may lose the emotional connection that you once shared.
  • You may get in a rut with this negative pattern of frequent arguments that don’t get resolved. This is when couples say my marriage is headed for a divorce.

When you recognize the signs that your relationship is suffering, you may be able to make changes before heading for a divorce. When you see these signals, be alert and move toward positive changes to put your relationship back on track to a successful marriage.


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