Introduction: What is Love at First Sight?

Love at first sight is a phenomenon where you experience strong romantic feelings for someone the moment you see them.

The term was first used in the English language in 1719, but it has been around for much longer. In ancient Greece, people would talk about “love at first sight” and call it “Eros at first sight”. It is not clear what this meant to them, but it could have been an intense physical attraction that people felt when they saw someone they were attracted to.

There are many possible explanations for why love at first sight occurs. One of these explanations is that we are subconsciously attracted to people who have similar DNA as us because our bodies are programmed to want to keep our DNA strong and healthy, so we may be drawn towards people who look like us or share some of the same genes as us.

The Role of Oxytocin in Romantic Attraction

Oxytocin is a hormone that is released in the brain, and it plays a major role in social bonding and romantic attraction.

When we are attracted to a person, oxytocin levels increase in the brain. This is because oxytocin’s main role is to create feelings of trust and security. It also creates feelings of pleasure which motivates us to continuously pursue that person.

Oxytocin can be released through touch, laughter, or even just thinking about someone we love. Oxytocin bonds people together emotionally and physically by reducing stress hormones like cortisol and increasing dopamine levels.

This explains why we have intense feelings and emotions when attracted to someone. If we just met the person, we obviously don’t know anything about their personality, their likes and dislikes, their background or how they conduct themselves. Love at first sight, then, can be said to be a physical attraction only.

How Does Eye Contact Affect Romantic Attraction?

A study in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior found that people who make more eye contact tend to be seen as more attractive. Researchers believe that this is because eye contact indicates a person’s confidence and interest in another person.

When you meet someone for the first time, it shows interest in that person if you are making eye contact. The person feels special because they are not being ignored. You are considering them to be important and you are not looking down at your phone, or looking at the ground while talking to them. You are not distracted by someone else walking by, instead you are focused on the person of your attraction.

As a result, this person may fall in love with you because you are giving them your undivided attention. Eye contact can be a very strong indication of how you make that person feel special and wanted. It gives them the feeling that you place them above other interests.

Conclusion: So Why Do People Fall in Love at First Sight?

The conclusion is that people fall in love at first sight because they are subconsciously attracted to someone who has similar qualities as themselves. Although they say that opposites attract, that is more about personality than physical qualities. When you see someone for the first time and feel that attraction toward them, it is most likely a physical attraction. Maybe the person reminds you of your mother or father. Maybe it is the dark hair or the blue eyes that make you feel comfortable with this person.

No matter what it is, there is no doubting the fact that people do find themselves attracted to someone they only met for the first time, without even knowing anything about them. This is a phenomenon that may have several causes that have not even been revealed yet. When people start their relationship with this strong foundation, it may lead to a successful marriage.


Suggested Reading:

Can Love at First Sight Actually Lead to a Lasting Marriage? : Four therapists explains