Humorous wedding advice

Humorous Wedding Advice: “Marriage is like a game of chess. One wrong move, and you’re married. And then you’re stuck with each other for life.”

Funny marriage advice for the bride

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember that your husband is the boss. Just kidding, he’s not the boss. You both are.”

Funny advice for newly married couples

“Never go to bed angry. Stay up and fight all night. It’s a great way to bond.”

Good wedding advice, but funny

“Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is the husband. Unless the husband is right, then the wife is wrong.”

Best wedding advice, but funny

“The secret to a happy marriage is to never let your spouse know that you’re always right. Just pretend to be wrong sometimes.”

Marriage advice speech, but funny

“Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? Just kidding, it’s not that bad.”

Funny wedding advice for the bride

“Remember, the groom is always right. Unless he’s wrong, then you’re right. And if he’s still wrong, just let him think he’s right.”

Funny advice to married couples

“Marriage is like a walk in the park, Jurassic Park. You never know what’s going to happen next.”

Funny marriage advice for him

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember your anniversary, and forget your spouse’s birthday. That way, you’ll always have something to celebrate.”

Funny marriage advice for groom

“The secret to a happy marriage is to always let your wife have the last word. In fact, you should let her have the last two words, just to be safe. Trust me on this one.”

Funny marriage advice from old couples

“The secret to a long and happy marriage is to never forget the three little words: ‘You’re probably right.’ And then just walk away.”

Marriage advice for bridal shower, but funny

“The key to a happy marriage is to never go to bed angry. Stay up and fight all night. It’s a great way to bond. And then make up in the morning.”

Funny marriage advice for the bride to be

“The secret to a happy marriage is to always remember that your husband is the boss. Just kidding, he’s not the boss. You both are.”

Funny advice to give newlyweds

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember that your spouse is always right. Unless they’re wrong, then you’re right.”

Funny advice to give to newlyweds

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember that your spouse is your soulmate. Unless they’re your cellmate, then you’re in jail.”

Humorous Wedding Advice: Top 10 marriage advice, but funny

“The top 10 secrets to a happy marriage are: 1. Communication, 2. Trust, 3. Love, 4. Respect, 5. Honesty, 6. Patience, 7. Forgiveness, 8. Humor, 9. Compromise, and 10. Separate bathrooms.”

Funny marriage advice for engaged couples

“The key to a happy engagement is to always remember that your fiancé is your soulmate. Unless they’re your cellmate, then you’re in jail.”

Best man advice to newlyweds, but funny

“The best man’s advice to the newlyweds is to always remember that your spouse is your best friend. Unless they’re your worst enemy, then you’re in trouble.”

Funny marriage advice for wedding toast

“The secret to a happy marriage is to always remember that your spouse is your soulmate. Unless they’re your cellmate, then you’re in jail.”

Marriage advice for the bride to be funny

“The secret to a happy marriage is to always remember that your husband is the boss. Just kidding, he’s not the boss. You both are. But he’s the boss of the remote control.”

Best funny advice for newlyweds

“The secret to a happy marriage is to always remember that your spouse is your best friend. Unless they’re your worst enemy, then you’re in trouble. But you can always make up with a good laugh.”

Best marriage advice for newlyweds funny

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember that your spouse is your soulmate. Unless they’re your cellmate, then you’re in jail. But at least you have each other.”

Funny advice for wedding couple

“Marriage is like a deck of cards. You start with a heart and a diamond, but by the end, you’re looking for a club and a spade. But as long as you’re together, you’ll always have a full house.”

Funny marriage advice for husbands

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember that your wife is always right. Unless she’s wrong, then you’re right. And if she’s still wrong, just let her think she’s right.”

Funny relationship advice for newlyweds

“The secret to a happy marriage is to always remember that your spouse is your partner. And partners always share the remote control. Unless it’s football season. Then you can watch the game in the garage. And she can watch something else in the living room.”

Humorous Wedding Advice: Funny wedding cake quotes

“Marriage is sweet, but the cake is sweeter. Enjoy your special day!”

Funny wedding koozie quotes

“To have and to hold, and to keep your beer cold. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Funny wedding wishes messages

“Wishing you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after. And lots of funny marriage advice along the way.”

Funny wedding advice for bride

“Remember, the groom is always right. Unless he’s wrong, then you’re right. And if he’s still wrong, just let him think he’s right. It’s easier that way.”

Funny wedding advice bride

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember that your husband is the boss. Just kidding, he’s not the boss. You both are. But he’s the boss of the remote control.”

Funny wedding planning quotes

“Planning a wedding is like a rollercoaster ride. There are ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes you just want to scream. But at the end of the day, you’re still together. And that’s all that matters.”

Funny marriage advice for the groom

“The best way to remember your wedding anniversary is to forget it once. And then never forget it again. And always remember that your wife is always right. Unless she’s wrong, then you’re right.”

Funny wedding planning quotes

“Planning a wedding is like a rollercoaster ride. There are ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes you just want to scream. But at the end of the day, you’re still together. And that’s all that matters. And don’t forget to laugh along the way.”

Funny marriage advice for husbands

“The key to a happy marriage is to always remember that your wife is always right. Unless she’s wrong, then you’re right. And if she’s still wrong, just let her think she’s right. It’s easier that way.”

Funny wedding wishes congratulations

“Congratulations on your wedding day! May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and lots of funny marriage advice. And may you always have a great colleague to share it with.”

Funny wedding stress quotes

“Planning a wedding can be stressful, but remember: it’s just one day. Your marriage is for life. And lots of funny marriage advice along the way.”


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