If you learn how to be a supportive partner, your marriage can be more satisfying and rewarding. It is important to provide encouragement for your spouse to grow and change. If you have a supportive partner, you are more likely to pursue rewarding challenges.

We know this based on a study by Carnegie University. Researchers separated couples into two different roles, one being a decision maker and the other a support provider. The couples were given a choice to do a simple puzzle or compete in a public speaking competition for a cash prize.

Those that had an encouraging partner were likely to go for the greater challenge. Also, there was increased personal growth and happiness, as well as stronger relationships when surveyed 6 months later.

You can learn how to be a supportive partner by practicing the behaviors identified in the study. You will learn how to be a better spouse by being encouraging and helpful instead of being too pushy or passive.

 Following are the 3 key elements of how to be a supportive partner.

Be Enthusiastic

Your marriage provides a unique opportunity to provide encouragement to your spouse. You can let your enthusiasm shine through as you cheer each other on. You will find that it will make your relationship more fun as an added bonus.

How to be a supportive partner by showing enthusiasm:

  1. Find joy in meaningful activities. When you enjoy doing something, it’s easy to be enthusiastic about it. Identify your top priorities and spend time doing them with your partner, as well as individually.
  1. Show interest by asking questions. If you want to show interest in your spouse’s job or hobbies, it might be easier if you know more about them. As you learn more, your curiosity will be stimulated. Ask about their favorite hobby or interest and communicate more about it.
  1. Be specific with compliments. When you praise your spouse for something, make it have more substance by being specific. Don’t just give generalizations, tell them exactly what it is that you admire about their personality, skills or style.
  2. Keep the energy. It’s hard to show enthusiasm when you are tired or feeling down. Take care of your health by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.
  3. Remain stress-free. Manage your stress by learning how to relax. This gets your spirits energized. Do whatever works for you such as prayer, meditation, exercise, listening to music or going for a walk.

Give Reassurance

It is important to be reassuring to your partner so they can persevere and give their best effort to achieve results.

Here are 4 ways to reassure your spouse:

  1. Keep your purpose in mind. When the going gets tough, encourage your spouse to remember all the reasons they began this undertaking in the first place. Discuss meaningful values and set mutual goals.
  2. Think about your assumptions. Sometimes your perception can limit your achievement. These barriers come from within and can inhibit you from being successful. Provide encouraging thought to your spouse so they can recognize and overcome self-limiting beliefs that may be holding them back. Be a role model for making constructive changes and going outside your comfort zone.
  3. Celebrate accomplishments. Review the successes that have brought you both to where you are today. This will empower you and make you feel more confident.
  4. Be Efficient and Organized. Clutter, both physical and mental can drag you down and trigger anxiety. Keep your home and surroundings in an orderly fashion and get efficient routines that will give you both more peace of mind.

Focus on the Goals

Think about what is at stake and what you have to gain. You will be more likely to take risks when you think about the outcome. The benefits will outweigh the challenges when you remain focused on the big picture and what you have to gain. Keep a cheerful outlook and your spouse will pick up on that.

Here are 3 ways to stay focused:

  1. Look on the sunny side. Look for the good in any situation. Remember all the things you and your spouse have to be grateful for, including each other.
  2. Overcome setbacks. When you come across challenges, look at them as opportunities to learn something and improve. Help your partner get past the challenges by giving them a chance to express their feelings and move on. Focus your energy on coming up with solutions to overcome the difficulties.
  3. Change your environment. Take a look around at what types of influences surround you both. Surround yourself with positive influences and inspiring stories. Be selective about what you watch and read. Rely on a strong network of supportive family and friends with positive attitudes.

Learning how to be a supportive partner can make you happier and more successful as a couple and as individuals. Your relationship will flourish when you nourish it with enthusiasm, reassurance and optimism.


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