Do you want to know how to be a better spouse? Marriage is the greatest joy in life, but can take work to remain close and build a foundation for a relationship that lasts a long time. As we look around at the statistics, the odds seem to be against the success of your marriage.

By following these 5 simple steps for how to be a better spouse, you can achieve intimacy and fulfillment that many marriages crave:

  1. Learn to accept your spouse’s faults. They may seem perfect to you, but of course everyone makes mistakes. We all have our faults, and we must realize that to achieve a healthy marriage relationship, forgiveness is important. We should feel safe to be ourselves without fear. Don’t try to change the other person, but rather accept them for who they are.
  • Remember that it is okay and healthy to have differences. Opposites attract and you should celebrate your differences. Try to indulge in your spouse’s interests, and they will probably begin to show more interest in your passions. Make your spouse feel that what’s important to them is important to you also. This will show them how much you love them.
  1. In a marriage relationship, it’s important to give in sometimes. Sometimes you may have habits that annoy each other, but you can show compassion and make your spouse feel valued. Try to give up your way on the small things, and you may find that your spouse will do the same.
  1. Two-way street. Marriage involves the contributions of both parties. One person can’t take over and run everything. Divide the tasks between you so that you make it easy for both of you. If one likes to cook, the other can offer to do dishes.
  • This holds true for leisure time also. When deciding what to do together, take turns planning the events. Involve the interests of both even if they differ. For example, movie night can consist of a double feature so that she gets her romance drama and he enjoys an action adventure movie. Your interests differ, but you are doing something together and enjoying each other’s company.
  • Remember the 50/50 rule. Both spouses have a role in the relationship and neither is superior to the other. A good marriage is similar to a good business partnership where both partners have an equal stake in the relationship.
  1. Sometimes, if you’ve been married a long time, you many take your spouse for granted and forget to take interest in the little things. Don’t assume that your spouse knows how you feel, show them how you feel. Rejuvenate with date night like you did in the courting days. Don’t forget to cuddle or hold hands. Get those feelings back and you will be amazed at the results.
  • Take the time to do the little things that show you appreciate and love your spouse. These little everyday things when done consistently will dramatically improve your relationship almost overnight. Little gifts throughout the year can show a token of your appreciation and affection. They can be small and inexpensive but a thought way to show your love. Saying: “I love you” or “thank you” often can be a great way to show you care.
  1. Common Courtesy. Remember the golden rule. Always treat your spouse the same as you would want to be treated. Show consideration and thoughtfulness. Be on the lookout for opportunities to express your love.
  • Be supportive. Show your spouse that you care when they are feeling low. Give them support and let them know you have their back. If you spouse has a bad day, offer a kind word or a gentle massage to show how much you care.

Marriage can be a bumpy road at times, but it can also be the greatest joy of your life. Now that you know how to be a better spouse, start today to do the little things that matter, show your commitment with all your heart, and enjoy a successful marriage filled with passion, excitement, and a fulfilling journey through life together.


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