Introduction: The Challenges of a Sexless Marriage After Baby

The arrival of a baby is undoubtedly a life-altering event for any couple. Amid the joy and excitement, it can also bring about significant changes and challenges, particularly in the realm of intimacy. A common issue that arises for many couples is the experience of a sexless marriage after having a baby. This lack of sexual intimacy can have profound effects on both partners, particularly the husband who may feel neglected and disconnected. In this article, we will explore the impact of a sexless marriage on the husband. In addition, we will talk about the feelings of neglect that can arise after the arrival of a baby. Finally, we discuss the challenges faced by couples in reestablishing intimacy.

The Effect of a Sexless Marriage on the Husband

A sexless marriage can have a profound impact on the emotional well-being and self-esteem of the husband. Men often derive a sense of connection and validation through physical intimacy with their partners. When this aspect of the relationship diminishes or disappears altogether, it can leave the husband feeling rejected, unattractive, and undesired. The lack of sexual intimacy can create a void that leaves him feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from his partner.

Moreover, the absence of sexual activity can also affect a man’s physical health. Regular sexual activity has been linked to various health benefits, including stress reduction, improved cardiovascular health, and increased levels of testosterone. When these benefits are lost due to a sexless marriage, the husband may experience increased stress levels, reduced energy, and a decreased sense of overall well-being.

Feeling Neglected by the Husband After Baby

The arrival of a baby brings a multitude of new responsibilities and challenges for both partners. Amidst the demands of parenting, sleepless nights, and changes in routine, it is not uncommon for couples to experience a sense of neglect in their relationship. Oftentimes, the focus shifts entirely to the baby, leaving little time and energy for the couple’s needs and desires.

For the husband, the feeling of neglect can be particularly pronounced. He may witness his partner’s attention and affection being directed towards the newborn, which can leave him feeling sidelined and unimportant. The lack of physical and emotional connection can lead to a growing emotional distance between partners, exacerbating feelings of neglect and isolation.

Lack of Intimacy After Baby

Intimacy encompasses more than just sexual activity—it includes emotional closeness, affection, and shared experiences. However, in the post-baby phase, these aspects of intimacy can often take a backseat. The exhaustion and demands of parenting can make it challenging for couples to find time and energy for meaningful connection.

The lack of intimacy can leave both partners feeling unfulfilled and disconnected. The husband may yearn for the emotional and physical closeness that he once shared with his partner, further intensifying feelings of neglect and frustration. It is important to recognize that the absence of intimacy can lead to a breakdown in communication, trust, and overall relationship satisfaction if not addressed and resolved.

Reestablishing Intimacy: Overcoming the Challenges

Rebuilding intimacy after having a baby requires effort, understanding, and open communication from both partners. Here are some strategies that can help couples navigate this challenging phase:

Prioritize open communication: Express your feelings, fears, and needs to your partner. Create a safe space for open and honest dialogue about your concerns regarding the lack of intimacy in your relationship.

Seek support: Consider seeking professional help through couples therapy or counseling. A trained therapist can provide guidance and tools to navigate the challenges of a sexless marriage and help couples reconnect.

Create opportunities for intimacy: Carve out dedicated time for each other, where you can focus on building intimacy. This could be as simple as scheduling regular date nights or engaging in activities that you both enjoy. By consciously making time for each other, you can begin to rekindle the emotional connection that may have been lost.

Share parenting responsibilities: Finding a balance between parenting duties is crucial for both partners to feel supported and less overwhelmed. By sharing the responsibilities of the baby, you can create more opportunities for rest, relaxation, and quality time together.

Rediscover physical touch: Physical touch is a powerful way to reconnect with your partner. Engage in non-sexual forms of physical affection, such as cuddling, holding hands, or giving massages. These acts of intimacy can help bridge the gap and reignite the spark in your relationship.

Explore new ways of intimacy: As your life has changed with the arrival of a baby, it may be necessary to redefine what intimacy means for both of you. Be open to exploring new ways of connecting and pleasuring each other that align with your current circumstances. This may involve being creative and flexible in finding moments of intimacy that work for both partners.

Seek professional guidance: If the challenges persist or become overwhelming, seeking professional guidance from a therapist or sexologist can be immensely helpful. They can provide support tailored to your situation and help navigate the complexities of a sexless marriage after baby.


A sexless marriage after having a baby can be a challenging and emotionally distressing experience for both partners. The husband, in particular, may feel neglected, disconnected, and longing for intimacy. It is essential for couples to recognize the impact of a sexless marriage and work together to rebuild intimacy and connection.

By prioritizing open communication, seeking support, creating opportunities for intimacy, sharing parenting responsibilities, rediscovering physical touch, and exploring new ways of intimacy, couples can begin to address the challenges they face and move towards reestablishing a fulfilling and intimate relationship.

Remember, this is a phase in your relationship that can be overcome with patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt. With effort and commitment from both partners, it is possible to navigate the complexities of a sexless marriage after having a baby and emerge with a stronger, more intimate bond.

To help put the spark in your marriage after having a baby, check out this video!

How to Save Your Marriage Video